1 May 2020 - NEW RECORDINGS NOW AVAILABLE! The latest video recording for the 2 webinars held for Australia Residential Property Market Update H12020 and Brisbane - The New World Class City are now available for watching. Head on to the Activities Calendar under Past Events to check them out! 23 April 2020 - BASIC TRAINING VIDEOS NOW AVAILABLE ONLINE We are excited to announce that the full set of videos for Basic Advisor Training is now available on our Portal. Simply go the Training & Engagement page under the Basic Training tab to access them now. Have fun watching them to revise the lessons and skill yourself up to be a global real estate advisor soon! 23 April 2020 - ACTIVITIES OF CALENDAR NOW REVISED AND UPDATE The new look for the Activities Calendar is here! Now you can see the upcoming events with all the details as well as access the photos, materials and presentation slides of past events. 22 April 2020 - H1 2020 AUSTRALIA RESIDENTIAL PROPERTY MARKET UPDATE MATERIALS NOE AVAILABLE Presentation slides, reading materials and well, no images no thanks to Covid-19, is now available on the Activities Calendar page under Past Activities / Q1 2020. 18 April 2020 - FAQ FOR AUSTRALIAN PROPERTY UPDATED FOR COVID-19 The FAQ for Australian Property is updated with a response for Covid-19. This is an excellent collection of frequently asked questions which if you were to revised and understand you will be so equipped to answer your clients' inquiries. Simply go to the Client Engagement tab on the Training & Engagement page to access it! |